She’s your sister. Matching tattoos should almost be a requirement should your lineage ever be called into question. After all, not everyone has the advantage of being identical twins so how else is the general population supposed to know that she’s your sister and you’re hers. But in all seriousness, the connection that sisters share is only something that can be experienced, not explained. Here is a list of amazing sister tattoos to celebrate the bond of sisterhood.
These matching floral sister tattoos.
According to the artist, each sister wanted their own semi-unique design—which looks to have been achieved by simply adjusting the color of the flower. There are a few of these designs floating around out there and it’s easy to see why. (Photo: Jordan Ashley)
These heart rate tattoos.
These squiggly lines are technically known as “breaks,” but most people associate them with hospital heart rate monitors.
Getting matching sister tattoos doesn’t always mean that the designs have to contain the word “sisters,” or have an image of two sisters doing sister things. In fact, most of the designs on this list are just cute matching tattoos that happened to be chosen by sisters. These tiny arrow tattoos are a stylish low key design idea that’s cute, quick, fun, and relatively painless. (Photo: Jessica Guerra)
This connecting quote.
While we wouldn’t want to have to constantly explain to everyone how this tattoo is part of a larger work of art, it’s definitely a cool design that’s about as unique as it is creative. (Photo: Faelan Wilson)
This sun and moon.
There’s a few sun and moon tattoos on this list due to their overwhelming popularity. “The and the , day & night, only 2, just like us.” (Photo: SteviRee Barney)
These colorful Matryoshka dolls.
Matryoshka dolls, also commonly referred to as Russian nesting dolls, are sets of wooden dolls of diminishing size that fit neatly into each other. The best ones are usually made of chocolate, but this exceptionally vivid pair comes in at a close second. (Photo: Deanna Taylor)
These swinging sister tattoos.
Far and away the most popular sister tattoo design, this connecting pair of sisters sitting on swings has been recreated time and again for sisters who just can’t resit this pleasant design. (Photo: Jeffrolowe)
These cute constellations.
We’re not sure what the names of these constellations are but they sure are beautiful. This set of constellations is one of the more detailed examples we’ve seen. (Photo: Nieves Arias)
These Disney sister tattoos.
Ohana means family. It also happens to be a scrumptious tropical-themed Polynesian restaurant at Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida. (Photo: Marissa Smith)
These matching mermaid tattoos.
These matching sugar skulls.
According to the artist, one sister preferred the blackwork version more and decided to go in that direction. Sugar skulls are a Mexican tradition—although introduced by Spanish missionaries—of making skulls out of sugar and then decorating them to celebrate the Day of the Dead. (Photo: Rachelle Downs)
These matching trees.
Here we have two tiny conifer trees decorating the wrists of these two sisters.
These interesting watercolor swirls feature the word “bakave.” We’re not exactly sure what means but perhaps a last name or a delicious almond flavored pastry? (Photo: Simona Blanar)
These triangular glyphs.
Each triangle is filled in to mark each sister’s place in relation to age. Which way the order begins though we couldn’t tell you.
Sometimes nothing beats just spelling it out. Now are they talking about their sister or a tropical locale? Our bet is some days it’s definitely the latter. (Photo: Jane Pham)
Here we have four sets of clock hands sans the timepiece. Perhaps they are quadruplets and this is apx. the time they all came into the world? Probably not, but hey, that sure would be cool. (Photo: Melissa Attard)
Now this is a cute connecting tattoo design. We know, create, don’t copy, but this design is just too cool not to inspire at least a few in it’s footsteps. (Photo: Melissa Queen)
In high school we spent about 3 years perfecting various versions of these designs while bored in class. Sadly none of our designs were quite as tattoo worthy as these. (Photo: Alejandro Gallardo)
These Swahili sister tattoos.
A Swahili phrase made famous by Disney’s The Lion King. It means…well, you know what it means.
These cool continent tattoos.
Original article and pictures take site
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