четверг, 26 ноября 2015 г.

Symbol for Twin

Symbol for Twin
Symbol for Twin
Symbol for Twin and Twin Symbol Meanings

"It's the most breathtakingly ironic things about living: the fact that we are all-identical twins included-alone. Singular. And yet what we seek-what saves us-is our connection to others."

---Wally Lamb

There is no one single symbol for twin, rather there are many that span across time and cultures.

Of course, the tricky thing about the symbolism behind twins is they are both together and separate. Meaning - when one considers twins - one must consider their duality as much as their unity.

You will see many of the twin symbols below represent the closeness indicated by twins as well as the duality they express.

Symbolism of Twins

  • Connectedness
  • Sharing
  • Understanding
  • Psychic/Telepathic Bonds
  • Affinity

As with most symbols, the symbol for twin is different for different groups of people.

Common Twin Symbols and Meanings

Chinese Symbol for Twins:This is the Chinese writing symbol, or Kanji symbol meaning twins. For more Chinese symbol meanings, visit my Chinese Symbols Page.


Gemini:The duality of nature is a concomitant of the twin (Gemini) sign. This sign represents duality in thought, causing contradictions. However, the symbol is also indicative to adaptability. Those with this sign have a knack for "twinning" their personalities to fit in.


Genogram Fraternal Twins:A genogram serves as a useful and illustrative guide to certain characteristics within a family tree, or family chart. This symbol indicates a fraternal twin within the family tree.


Genogram Identical Twins:As mentioned, a genogram is used when representing a trait within a family tree. This is the symbol indicating identical twins within the family chart.


Marasa: A Haitian symbol for the Prime Twins, or Sacred Twins, who represent life and abundance. This symbol is commonly held in ceremonies for newborns with special needs as well as the dvine light within all newborn children.
Navajo Twins: Usually described as Mother Earth and Sky Father twins, or Brother Sister twins, the Navajo Twins are powerful Native American symbols for creation and the evolution of creation itself. They also represent perfect balance. For more information on Native American symbols click here.


Tao: The Tao, or the Yin Yang is an ultimately excellent symbol for "twinness" as it depicts the simbiotic nature of twins: The necessity to be together, yet with separate identity. For more information on Yin Yang symbols click here.


I hope you have found this page on symbol for twin to be helpful. Check out the links at the end of this page for more relevant symbolic meanings

An Important Note About Signs, Symbols and Their Meanings

Signs and symbols cultivate their meanings according to culture, context, passage of time in society as well as mass societal opinion. What's cool and highly important is that signs and symbols earn their most powerful meanings from our own personal perspectives.

This website strives to provide you with the best, time-honored information when defining signs and symbols. However, in the final analysis, "Beauty (and symbolism) is in the eye of the beholder."

Having said that, it's in our best interest to invest the time to do personal research on symbolic events happening to us. This website is just one perspective in an ocean of variety and diversity in the realm of symbolism. So dive in! There is a whole universe of deeper meanings to explore! You can start your research by clicking on the links at the end or to the side of this page. Odds are good I've got a follow-up article about this symbolic topic. ;)

As always, thanks for your willingness to learn more about the language of symbolism. It's a language that is universal and everywhere. It's super-groovy to travel with you on your symbolic path, and maybe offer a little translation along the way. Thanks for reading and exploring!

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click links below for symbolic meanings.
Animal Symbolism and Totems

Original article and pictures take www.whats-your-sign.com site

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